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A ticket management system is a software that helps you manage customers support tickets. It is easy to setup and simple to use. with this software it is quite easy to keep track cases and history of tickets. The system indicates ticket status as open, closed and pending ticket, which further helps you revolve customer’s queries in an efficient manner. . It is flexible to use. That’s mean, you can assign a particular to task to any individual, and divide the tasks into different departments. In order to understand the system better, what you have to comprehend first is terminology. Here are some terminologies you need to learn to get to know how they work:

Ticket: A ticket is a support request submitted to the ticket management system by a user. A support request could be anything, from a problem, a query or just a greeting.

Category: A category is a place where tickets are kept.

Agent: Agent is a person who handles tickets and interacts with the users.


iTicket: iContact is the Call Center software of iHelpBD. There are many features of iContact  iTicket is on of it. iTicket can be integrated with Zoho and Avaya.


This is how the iticket raising system works:

  • A user submits a iticket to the web-based software by sending an email to the helpdesk-monitored mailbox
  • The system notifies you about the iticket by email, SMS of push notifications
  • An agent "takes over" the iticket. By this means, he notifies other agents that he will handle the tickets
  • Both the agent and the user interact to answer each other’s questions, post comments and updates
  • All these activities are done using ticket management system’s web interface

As soon as an issue is resolved, the agent closes the iticket.